AAE是一个以贸易及娱乐为主题的展览会。亚洲作为世界上人口密度最高的地区, 成人市场供应及需求极为庞大,超过一半的世界成人用品来自亚洲。现在亚洲成人用品的估计销量估计为每年数十亿美元,吸引大量来自世界各地的进口商到访采购。不过亚洲成人用品市场只有有限的平台进行大规模推广。有见及此,举办亚洲成人博览能有效地解决渠道短缺等问题,更可以进一步促进业界交流来帮助推动发展。
In Asia, adult products have limited trading platforms and opportunities for large scale promotion. AAE will serve as a unique opportunity for public exposure, and being cost effectiveness to achieve face to face contact with users. AAE will be an arena for networking, education and finding potential working partners. It has received enquiries from domestic and international visitors, and some of them are wholesalers and traders, who voiced out their desires to find quality imported products.