The George R. Brown Convention Center, opened on September 26, 1987,[2] is located on the east side of Downtown Houston, Texas, United States.The 100-foot (30 m) high red-white-and-blue building replaced the obsolete Albert Thomas Convention Center, which was later redeveloped into the Bayou Place entertainment complex in the downtown Houston Theater District. It is the first convention center in the world to have a permanent Bitcoin ATM.The convention center is served by METRORail light rail service at Convention District station.
A renovation project began on July 28, 2001 to expand the convention center and build an adjacent 1,200-room convention headquarters hotel at a cost of $165 million and requiring 27 months of construction. The adjacent hotel is the Hilton Americas-Houston, which is connected to the convention center via two skywalks. The hotel and convention center are not connected to the Houston downtown tunnel system. The project expanded the center from 1,150,000 square feet (107,000 m2) to 1,800,000 square feet (107,000 to 167,000 m²). Three exhibit halls were added to increase exhibition space from 451,500 square feet (41,950 m2) to 853,500 square feet (42,000 to 79,000 m²) and sixty-two meeting rooms were added for a total of 105. Completion of the project concluded in November 2003, a few months before Super Bowl XXXVIII.
There is also a 3,600-seat General Assembly Theater which can be used for concerts, Broadway shows, conferences, meetings and other events, while Exhibit Hall B3 can be converted into a 6,500-seat indoor arena for concerts and sports using telescopic seating. In November 2014 the ground was broken yet again, this time in preparation for Super Bowl LI.
休斯敦国际展览中心,又名乔治布朗会议中心,于1987年建成开放,从此取代了日渐式微的艾尔伯特.托马斯会议中心。休斯敦国际展览中心位于休斯敦市中心的东区,是休斯敦最繁华的综合设施建筑,也是世界上第一座永久设有比特币ATM机的展览中心,它的外观以活泼多变的形状以及红白蓝三色相间的颜色搭配成为休斯敦市中心东区一道亮丽的风景。休斯敦国际展览中心有轻轨电车经过,轻轨交通网络在这里修建了“会议展览区站台”,展会人员可直接从展览中心里搭乘轻轨,十分方便。 休斯敦国际展览中心自建成以来,共经历过2次大规模扩建,如今已经成长为一座占地167,000㎡、坐拥79,000㎡室内展览面积的大型三层综合设施,共建有8个展馆、105个先进会议厅、3个宴会厅、3个剧院,并提供超过6,400个停车位。2001年7月28号,第一次展览中心翻新扩建工程动工,耗时27个月于2003年11月完成,并成为第38届美国“超级碗职业橄榄球锦标赛”的比赛场地;在这个项目中,除了展览中心扩建之外,展览中心隔壁还建起了豪华的休斯敦希尔顿大酒店,为展会人员提供1,200间豪华舒适的客房,该酒店与展览中心通过2条人行天桥互通,可步行直达。2014年11月,休斯敦国际展览中心再次扩建,这次是为2015年的“超级碗”比赛做场地准备。 2017年,57场精彩绝伦的展会将在休斯敦国际展览中心举办,包括:美国休斯敦国际医疗设备展(美国最大、最专业的综合医疗展)、休斯敦国际泵阀及流体机械展(美国最大的泵阀流体机械展)、休斯敦国际被毯展(美国最好的被子地毯展)等等。 The George R. Brown Convention Center, opened on September 26, 1987,[2] is located on the east side of Downtown Houston, Texas, United States.The 100-foot (30 m) high red-white-and-blue building replaced the obsolete Albert Thomas Convention Center, which was later redeveloped into the Bayou Place entertainment complex in the downtown Houston Theater District. It is the first convention center in the world to have a permanent Bitcoin ATM.The convention center is served by METRORail light rail service at Convention District station. A renovation project began on July 28, 2001 to expand the convention center and build an adjacent 1,200-room convention headquarters hotel at a cost of $165 million and requiring 27 months of construction. The adjacent hotel is the Hilton Americas-Houston, which is connected to the convention center via two skywalks. The hotel and convention center are not connected to the Houston downtown tunnel system. The project expanded the center from 1,150,000 square feet (107,000 m2) to 1,800,000 square feet (107,000 to 167,000 m²). Three exhibit halls were added to increase exhibition space from 451,500 square feet (41,950 m2) to 853,500 square feet (42,000 to 79,000 m²) and sixty-two meeting rooms were added for a total of 105. Completion of the project concluded in November 2003, a few months before Super Bowl XXXVIII. There is also a 3,600-seat General Assembly Theater which can be used for concerts, Broadway shows, conferences, meetings and other events, while Exhibit Hall B3 can be converted into a 6,500-seat indoor arena for concerts and sports using telescopic seating. In November 2014 the ground was broken yet again, this time in preparation for Super Bowl LI.
美国CONEXPO-CON AGG 2023展览会盛大开幕 : 2023年3月14日,美国CONEXPO-CONAGG2023展览会在拉斯维加斯国际展览中心盛大开幕。三年一届的美国拉斯维加斯国际工程机械展览会是全球三大工程机https://www.onezh.com/haiwai/news/1155.html
阅读307. 2023/3/16 21:30:33
2023年美国工程机械展在拉斯维加斯开幕: 3月14日,2023年美国工程机械展(CONEXPO-CON/AGG)在内华达州拉斯维加斯会展中心开幕。美国工程机械展是世界三大工程机械展之一,每三年举办一届,https://www.onezh.com/haiwai/news/1154.html
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2023年消费电子展本周在拉斯维加斯开幕: 今年的消费电子展(CES)于1月5日至8日在美国拉斯维加斯开幕。据主办方介绍,全球有3100多家厂商前来参展,展出的产品范围包括人工智能、新能源汽车、自动驾驶、https://www.onezh.com/haiwai/news/1149.html
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CES展会上的中国企业: 人民网1月8日拉斯维加斯电(记者邓圩宫欣)国际消费电子展CES当地时间1月8日开展,参展商从去年的4200家增加到4500家左右,参展的中国企业数量有1213家https://www.onezh.com/haiwai/news/129.html
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2019拉斯维加斯“中国之夜” 为中美企业搭建交流平台: 人民网拉斯维加斯1月7日电(记者邓圩宫欣)美国拉斯维加斯消费电子展(CES)开幕前夜,当地时间1月7日晚,中国驻旧金山总领馆联合中国电子信息博览会组委会举办的第https://www.onezh.com/haiwai/news/128.html
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综述:2019年美国拉斯维加斯消费电子展三大看点: 019年美国拉斯维加斯消费电子展(CES)8日正式开幕,来自150多个国家和地区的约4500家企业参展。这个展会历来被看作国际消费电子领域的“风向标”,而今年最https://www.onezh.com/haiwai/news/127.html
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综述:2019年美国拉斯维加斯消费电子展三大看点: 2019年美国拉斯维加斯消费电子展(CES)8日正式开幕,来自150多个国家和地区的约4500家企业参展。这个展会历来被看作国际消费电子领域的“风向标”,而今年https://www.onezh.com/haiwai/news/124.html
阅读329. 2019/1/9 10:49:21
2019拉斯维加斯“中国之夜” 为中美企业搭建交流平台: 人民网拉斯维加斯1月7日电(记者邓圩宫欣)美国拉斯维加斯消费电子展(CES)开幕前夜,当地时间1月7日晚,中国驻旧金山总领馆联合中国电子信息博览会组委会举办的第https://www.onezh.com/haiwai/news/123.html
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中国机器人亮相美国药学专业会议: 新华社洛杉矶12月6日电(记者谭晶晶)为期5天的美国卫生系统药剂师协会年中临床会议和展览6日在美国加利福尼亚州阿纳海姆会议中心闭幕。中国制造的智能静脉用药调配机https://www.onezh.com/haiwai/news/118.html
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中国企业享誉国际太阳能展: 日前,由美国智能电力协会和太阳能工业协会共同主办的国际太阳能展在美国加利福尼亚州阿纳海姆成功举办,吸引了750多家厂商以及两万多名业内人士参展。该展会不仅是北美https://www.onezh.com/haiwai/news/111.html
阅读201. 2018/10/18 21:02:58